Home Page of Fred Hartjes

Last update July 10, 2023 Contact

ruine la Bouchonne
Ruin near "La Bouchonne", Saillans, Drôme, France

My life as a retired person

At my formal farewell from Nikhef on January 27, 2011, the director Frank Linde referred to the diamond on the invitation card , suggesting that I should remain active at Nikhef until my diamond anniversary, i.e. September 2026.

However, in 2021 the Nikhef management decided to end the development of gas-filled particle detectors. In combination with a large scale renovation of the building, lasting until 2023, there is no possibility to make me useful for the institute. Therefore, I decided to terminate my activities at Nikhef.

For the rest live is easy and enjoyable now as a retired person with good health, giving me peace for activities like the board of the Club van Ankervrienden, the Bussum Historical Society, and most of all my contribution to sustainibility as an energy coach at WattNu, altogether with my dear wife Josephine.

My activities in the last 10 years

Gridpix detectors until June 2021

QUAD GridPix detector

Development of the GridPix detectors has been terminated at Nikhef. The research is continued at other institutes like the Physics Institute of Bonn University

Anker stones

Ontwerp tekening Munster Bern
Munster of Bern

Design of Edouard Wyttenbach. From BiK NF34/2 p5

Antique demonstation radio

tuning circuit
Tuning circuit of the Phywe demonstation radio from 1925

The radio, consisting of six wooden boards with antique electronic components has been restored and investigated.

My current activities (in Dutch)

Bussumse Historische Kring (BHK)

Sigarenmagazijn Borneo
Sigarenmagazijn Borneo in 1926

Brinklaan 94. Tekening: Johan van Marissing

Club van Ankervrienden

CVA april 2022
CVA bijeenkomst

14 oktober 2023 in hotel Lapershoek, Hilversum

Energiecoach bij WattNu

Logo Wattnu

Wattnu bijeenkomst

Rekentools voor warmtepomp, isolatie en energieverbruik
